Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Should Just Shoot Myself

I woke up this morning kind of early. Knowing that I had to get some more practice in, I picked up my phone and looked for a bit of inspiration. Originally, I wanted to go outside and get a few shots since it was so nice out. But lord knows that I needed to stop BS'ing and get my ass up and start taking pics. I figured, hey, why not shoot myself??? I'm no model, but I was definitely one this morning. I shot a few in color just to have some highlights, but for the most part, everything was done in B&W. I am very open to feedback, so please, comment if you will. I'll come back and edit this post with a link so you can view the rest of the pics from the shoot.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Born A Brooklyn Boy

I know it's been some time since I've last left a post, but let me get right in to it...

Most people are born with 1 or 2 strikes against them. I was born with 3: Being a male, being black, and being born in Brooklyn, NY. The first 2 are a given. Being born in Brooklyn puts a negative connotation on your character. People assume that everyone born in the urban areas of Brooklyn are from some type of "thugged-out" background or from a dysfunctional family. Worse, they assume you aren't smart enough to know any better or that you won't amount to much. Especially if you love loud music and have a plethora of tattoo's.

In life, everyone goes through their own struggles. Mine were having teachers tell me I wouldn't amount to sh*t, dealing with being too dark or too big, and a host of unlucky streaks. Being born in BK didn't make anything easier. Sitting outside and watching all the cool kids get whatever they wanted from their parents and teachers bothered the f**k outta me! Lots and lots of temptation flooded the streets of Brownsville whether it was being cool, selling drugs, pretty girls, being fly, etc... But growing up here gave me the strength to endure much of what life as already thrown at me.

I am not looking for sympathy nor am I crying for help. I'm just giving a brief overview of how it was fo me growing up in BK. Now, all of that I once admired is now mine and I've worked hard to get to that point. Nothing was handed to me!!! All of those kids that got whatever they wanted, never learned the true value of a dollar and aren't doing too well right now. The teachers, I pass daily and wish them well seeing as though I'm providing for myself much better than they'd ever had to chance to do for themselves.

Long story short - Momma raised me, Brooklyn raised me. Enjoy my Brooklyn Eye!