Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!!!


By now, I'm sure you've heard about the big blizzard that hit NY on December 26th. Some of you have even looked at different news reports to see how bad it is. Well, I took a few photos of the aftermath. I did so not just to capture how bad the storm was, but to show what life was like in the actual snow. Cars were stuck and couldn't move, but that didn't stop people from trying. It also did not stop those trying to get a bit of shopping done.

I was at work two days after the storm and on my break, I decided to walk around the neighborhood with my Canon and snap a few pics of the 5th largest snow storm to hit New York City. Enjoy!

The site is finally up! is finally up and running. I built the site myself in all HTML since some web browsers on mobile devices don't support Flash. Eventually, I will update the site to either partial or all flash content. But for now, I needed something up besides this blog. It is a sample of the photographs I've taken since I decided to get in to photography. I will be purchasing a new camera in the very near future.

Anyway, the site is up now. Feel free to let me know what you think of the actual site and the photographs displayed on the site...